from celibacy to StyleGASM! 💃
Jun 20, 2024
“The number one thing we argued about was how I dressed,” I was telling a friend, about a past relationship. (She was shocked, because in many ways it was a sacred partnership.)
He used to say, “Your clothes are so shiny. You don’t need them, you’re already the most beautiful girl.”
It was supposed to be a compliment, but to me it wasn’t 😢
Sometimes it was such an issue that he would talk me into wearing his clothes out instead.
He wasn’t trying to control me… really I had triggered HIS visibility fears, and how with me so dressed up, people constantly looked at us.
When I turned down the dial on my radiance and flair, we could skate around more unnoticed.
(And it won’t trigger glances of, “dude, how are you with her?!”)
This wasn’t new territory to me…
There have been many woman and men who have felt insecure next to me
(One past boyfriend was open at least, he became my very first unofficial style client 😅)
In this case, it cut deep. And it paralleled with the thing that drove us apart as a couple, his decision to move into celibacy. That was confronting and painful for me.
It’s ironic to look back and see how I have evolved… into Stylegasm
Right!! Style and sex…the two areas where I have been the most shut down, but also the places of my power and where I am the most free and expressed.
I find through my work, the real seekers don’t ask me where I shop…
They ask actually how do I have the courage to show up dressed in the the ways that I do
You can’t control what other people think of you… in fact when you dial it up you will trigger and repel people even more
What matters is that YOU like the way you dress
And by naturally being you—you will attract the people who celebrate that you REAL you
But most of all, you’ll be landed in YOURSELF
Listen, I don’t style normal people… if you want generic neutral capsule of wardrobe there’s plenty of other people who can do that
I’m here for the STARS
The ones that are TOO MUCH in their expression
Who shine bright, who are made to change the world
THAT is Style Liberation